Joeri Bulté
Joeri graduated with great distinction as a bachelor's degree in Accountancy-Taxation (Honim) in 2008, after an internship in the Netherlands.
He supplemented this with a Master’s in Business Studies, majoring in Taxation Studies (HUB), and graduating cum laude.
After his first job, Joeri joined Thesora in November 2012. He mainly focuses on companies and start-ups and is a great champion of digitisation.
In 2015 he obtained the title of Accountant-Tax Consultant (IAB), now a Certified Tax Accountant (ITAA). In 2016 he followed an additional Corporate Finance course (Ehsal Management School).
In 2020, Joeri joined Thesora as a shareholder director and, as a raised Roosdaal resident, he contributed to the development of a second branch in Roosdaal. However, he can still be found at the Dilbeek branch.