What should I understand under Tax Advice?
In addition to everyday tasks (submitting different tax returns and documents), one of our core tasks is to think together with you about the best ways to optimise your tax situation. A key element in this is working out safe solutions for tax problems.
We can provide assistance in your dealings with the tax authorities. But thinking proactively above all means being able to assess any eventual risks beforehand. Prior agreements with the local tax authorities can offer a considerable amount of assurance.
For important unprecedented problems, we can seek advice from the Office for Advance Decisions in Tax Matters (DVB). This involves what are called rulings. The aim of these rulings is to reduce the risk of a tax authority expressing objections in the event of a problem.
Ruling commission
It goes without saying that the ruling commission only looks into those situations where the current regulations are not sufficiently decisive.
We sit down with you and look into whether the application for a ruling adds value to your tax situation.
Important to know
The tax spectrum is very broad. Nevertheless, we would like to make specific mention of the role we can play in ensuring the correct application of VAT rules. For example, with your national, intra-community and international business transactions with clients and suppliers where our I-VAT application ensures language-compliant tax returns.
Tax Procedures
The various aspects of taxation are controlled and monitored for you by us and our partners. This includes tax procedures!