Herman Smet van Thesora

Herman Smet

Herman Smet has more experience than anyone else in our firm. He graduated in 1980, obtaining a degree in Business Studies, and went on to specialise in Marketing & Distribution (1981) and Tax Science (1985).

After joining Kantoor A. Vindevogel in 1981 and working for the firm for several years, Herman joined forces with Paul Speeckaert for a management buyout in 2004. This culminated in Thesorafisc.

Herman Smet has several years’ experience in all aspects of direct taxation. Over the years, he has developed good contacts with the tax administration, which has enhanced the company’s excellent reputation.

His main focus is on small and medium-sized commercial enterprises, as well as private individuals (personal income tax) and sole proprietorships. Since the very beginning of the Institute of Accountants (IDAC), later called ITAA, Herman has been registered as an accountant-tax consultant.

Herman speaks fluent Dutch and French.

Herman has retired since 1/05/2023 and has withdrawn from Thesora. Thesora thanks him for the years of dedication since the early 1980s!

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